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She's fresh! Style, substance, hustle, the ability to wear numerous hats. She innately has what many can only dream to have, presence, and when she opens her mouth to articulate a thought, its obvious its from a place of truth and experience. She keeps a watchful third eye on community, but still manages to champion the groove. She is soulful, she is sexy as common place, and her way is everyone's homie. We believe in her artistry without compromise.

Folks know Sharp from rockin parties, which is fresh for sure, and now from seeing him on the jumbo-tron at the Warriors game, both are evidence of a multi-talented individual, which only serves to increase our enthusiasm as his many levels come into focus. Dude makes heat! His production is a lovely sound track for the gamut of emotion that makes up the human experience. We are looking forward to being a part of the proverbial unveiling. He is truly without bounds.

He is a musician from which song simply flows and can be released as an MC, singer, and/or writer. There is no format, just melody. His fresh is yet untapped.

Erk Tha Jerk finds his stride in freedom, an ideal that coincides with who and what DopeOnly is. Already a fan of his work, when the opportunity arose to work with him, and better yet, partner with him and his imprint, Red Planet, it was a no brainer. Erk pushes the boundaries of artistic expression, be it through music or through his "Nerd's Eye View" behind the lens of a camera. It is an honor to take this journey with him. 

His ability to create his own lane should be admired. Imagine how many times he was told something like "a classically trained pianist who raps won't work". He is the very definition of perseverance and self belief, affecting culture every time he takes the stage or records. We should all look at him and be inspired because the very fact that his artistry exist says possible.

She is unquestionably what soul looks like when wrapped in an OaklandUSA state of mind. Nate' is the chick from up the street who can sang her ass off. She embodies, and is able to provide in song, what women feel with regard to men, good and bad, love, lust, hope, joy, despair, triumph, and life in general. She is them completely, their experience is her experience. What she delivers is broad testimony. Illmatic.

Vell reminds you of the feeling you got when you first fell in love with Hip Hop. He is West Oakland to his core and does not apologize for it, that's fresh! He wears his emotions on his sleeve and allows that to seep into is pen. Vell is Hip Hop, raw, uncut, free, home, Hip Hop. 


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